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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Char Nolan - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Char Nolan in her virtual office as she welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to cou… Read More.



Could cashew cream work as a coffee creamer, with less sweetner and more liquid added?

— Alice Jenkins


I always say that when you are making a transition from a standard American diet and maybe using, um, a creamer or, um, half and half or something like that, that first sip will be 180 degrees different from anything that you have ever known before. And I know from my own experience that I actually did a spit take the first time someone gave me a cup of coffee that had almond milk in it. Since then, I have only used almond milk that I make myself in my coffee. So as for the cashew cream that you want to make, you can use that milk. I would stay away from any plant-based, uh, bottled in bottled, uh, uh, creamer that says Creamer Delicious and has hazelnut or whatever in it because the label is going to be filled with so many ingredients. So we're gonna keep it simple and start out with your, with making your own, uh, almond, uh, sorry, cashew milk. If you want, you can use a tablespoon of cashew butter to eight ounces of water. If you want it a little bit thicker, you can add more cashew butter. Uh, but I think that you'll enjoy the transition. I have to say, uh, that I recently have been enjoying the almond milk from Plant Strong because it really has a nice viscosity to it. Uh, and I think you can find it at Sprouts or Whole Foods Market or other places like that, but that's what I find enjoyable. The other thing is, if you go for a, an organic cashew milk, the only ingredients are going to be cashews, water, and a little bit of salt. Whereas if you are looking at the conventional, again, it has a list that's very long and com contains ingredients whose names are still difficult to announce. So enjoy the coffee, um, and you'll find your own creamer, uh, that meets your taste level of something that you can appreciate. Also, if you go into coffee shops today, everybody has almond milk. They have oat milk, uh, they have cashew milk. Um, most of them have sugar in them if you need or want to stay away from sugar, best to stay simple, make it yourself and get the organic ingredient. Very good question. Um, and who doesn't love to start the day with a delicious cup of coffee?
Char Nolan

Char Nolan

Chef Instructor
